Parent Information
At Scott Point School, we have a positive attitude toward learning and expect regular attendance.
Establishing regular attendance routines in children’s schooling is important. The evidence shows that attendance is a crucial driver of learners' achievement, well-being, and lifelong outcomes. Missing school can create challenges with routines and friendships, gaps in learning, and contribute to increasing disengagement from school.
Legislation states that every child enrolled at a registered New Zealand school must attend each day the school is open.
Whānau must make sure their children are at school every day and let the school know if their child will be absent.
When reporting your child's absence from school, please explain why; if you do not inform the school of an absence and we cannot contact you to ascertain a reason, the absence is recorded as truant.
Absences for sickness, appointments, lateness or early finish to the day
Should be reported by:
Phone 09 553 6810 and leave a message on the absence line.
In cases of sickness
Please notify the school before 9.00 am each day your child is away from school unwell.
Knowing if your child is well enough to go to school — guidance for parents and caregivers
If your child is absent for three days or more due to illness, please provide a doctor’s certificate if requested.
Absences due to travel or holidays.
All absences due to travel or holidays should be advised to the school in advance by:
Email to admin@scottpoint.school.nz
We understand there may be times when travel outside school holidays is necessary, but this should be a rare occurrence and should only be done in exceptional circumstances. We advise that, wherever possible, absence from school should be avoided as it can seriously affect your child’s educational progress and achievement and create difficulties for them on their return to school.
Legislation states that every child enrolled at a registered New Zealand school must attend each day the school is open. Your child's attendance records and reports to the Ministry of Education will show their absence due to holidays/travel, as explained but unjustified.

Before and after-school care is provided by
Premium Kids Care (PKC).
Premium Kids Care has been offering quality out-of-school care since 2002. They provide a safe, friendly, fun out-of-school care programme, including before-school care, after-school care and holiday programmes. Their goal is to provide a safe, fun, stimulating experience for your tamariki.
We are an Apple Device School
Bring your own device (BYOD), recommended for learners in years four and above.

At Scott Point School we believe that creativity, collaboration, and innovation are vitally important skills for our learners to be active participants in the fast-changing world that we live in. We want our learners to move beyond being technology consumers to becoming digital content and tools creators. Through this process, they will develop the skills to be competent digital problem solvers ready to tackle the challenges they will be presented with now and in the future.
As educators, we are excited to implement the digital technology curriculum in a meaningful and engaging context. This means that we will provide our learners with real-life contextual problems where they are encouraged to research and then develop a solution using the tools they have available. This may include creating an app, making a promotional video, creating a website or designing something new and innovative.
The possibilities are endless.
What We Will Do
In order to achieve this, we believe that our learners need a robust, reliable, and intuitive device that will enhance their current learning program. This is why we have chosen to be an Apple device school. The benefits of using an Apple device are:
More time spent on teaching and learning as they are a reliable device
Increased creativity and engagement
Intuitive device that allows access to a wide range of educational apps and websites
Able to use Google apps for education
Teachers can monitor the learner’s device activity through Apple Classroom
What We Won't Do
We believe really strongly that technology is another tool that we use to enhance learning and that there should always be a purpose for how it is used. Therefore we will not promote:
using technology for busy work
playing non-educational games
using social media (this is banned through our managed network N4L
Cyberbullying (this will not be tolerated and may result in a device being removed from a student for a period of time)
Supporting Material
You are welcome to purchase your Apple Ipad or Macbook from any supplier you choose.
You can purchase any model of Ipad or Macbook to suit your child's needs (We do not recommend the iPad Mini).
Cyclone, our IT provider, has created a portal for purchasing Apple products suitable for school use. Please follow this link to explore all available purchasing options.
For 2025, a donation to the school of $125 for one child or $175 for a family is appreciated. Donations to the school are considered charitable donations, so you should retain your receipt for tax purposes.
Learners in years 5 to 8 will be subscribed to the Writer's Toolbox online portal. The cost is $40 per year.
During the year, there will be trips and activities that your child may participate in; we will communicate more information as these occur in the year.
Statements of account will be issued at the start of each month.
Donations and payments can be made by electronic bank transfer to the school account:
Scott Point School Board
When paying, please reference your child's full name and the line item ID number.
Outside providers run a variety of extracurricular activities before, during, or after school; the current opportunities are listed below.

Sports X - Basketball
Basketball X provide a fun and positive introduction to basketball for children of all abilities.
Our program covers a range of topics designed to provide players with the fundamentals of basketball. All programs combine a range of activities with hidden learning elements and the promotion of key traits such as team work, social skills and improved motor skills.
From 3:00 pm on the School Courts
For more information and to book, www.sports-x.nz
Kiwi Kick Stars
Kiwi Kick Stars has created a safe space with happy vibes where kids can grow their confidence and resilience while learning valuable physical, social and life skills. Kiwi Kick stars are passionate about football, seeing it as the most inclusive and accessible game in the world, regardless of who you are and where you come from.
From 3:00 pm on the School Fields
For more information and to book, www.kiwikickstars.com
Little Cooks
Cooking uses and develops so many skills at the same time – math, reading, leadership, fine motor, social – all life skills that are crucial in our modern world. Children will learn and practise kitchen skills, making delicious sweet/savoury foods in a fun group environment.
From 3:00 pm in the Food Technology Room
For more information and to book, littlecooks.co.nz
NZ Modern School of Music
Guitar, Piano, Keyboard and Singing lessons are provided by teachers from the NZ Modern School of Music.
Monday - Fridays
In school hours
For more information and to book, www.modernmusic.co.nz
North Harbour Softball Fundamentals Programme
An introduction to the fundamental skills of tee ball in a fun and engaging environment.
From 3:00 pm on the school field.
For more information and to book, northharboursoftball.co.nz
Imagine your child playing winning in the badminton social/competitive primary school competition or representing New Zealand at the Junior National Teams event in Palmerston North for Under 13, 15, 17 & 19 in the future.
The New Zealand Badminton Academy & Waitakere Badminton are working together to start a junior badminton training program at Scott Point School
Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays
For Year 3-8 students from 7:45 am in the school hall.
For more information and to book click here
Brain Play
At Brain Play, we bring the world of technology to Kiwi kids and families through fun and practical learning experiences.
STEM-based classes in topics that include coding, robotics, 3D printing, electronics, science, and Minecraft.
From 3 - 4:30 pm in the technology room.
For more information and to book click here
Hero is our school's Student Management System and it allows us to create a secure online environment that enables teachers, students, and families to communicate, stay informed and view and share content. Hero allows you to read and comment on posts relating to your child, view information on your child’s progress and goals, read and respond to school notices, view term dates and the school calendar, notify the school if your child is absent or late.
Details on how to register for the App can be found below:

How to get the App
As a first-time user, follow the instructions below to get connected:
Select your preferred way to connect to HERO
Log in via a web browser
Log in via the HERO app – iPhone App Store
Log in via the HERO app – Android Google Play
Select “New User”
Your account will be activated by us during the enrolment process using the email address you provided when you enrolled your children; use this address to request a password.
Add your email address.
Select the “Request Password Link”
Check your email.
HERO will send you an email with a link to follow.
Follow the link.
This will take you to a secure page to enter your chosen password.
If you have problems logging in, please email our office at admin@scottpoint.school.nz to ensure that we have your correct email.
Setting up notifications
Each platform is different, but here is some information to assist you in receiving notifications from HERO.
In the HERO App
Click on your profile image (top right corner)
Scroll down to My Devices and select your preference from the following options:
Default - you will receive in-app notifications on any device logged into Hero with the mobile app. A list of these devices is shown below these options. If you have no listed devices, you will receive email notifications.
Email - you will receive email notifications from Hero
None - you will not be sent any notifications from Hero, but you can log in at any time to view updates from “The Bell”. See Accessing Unread Notifications via "The Bell"
On Apple devices
Go to the Apple device settings icon and select
Scroll down to HERO App and select
Select Notifications
Scroll down to banner style and select persistent.
We work with Lunchonline to provide school lunches.
Tuesday - Subway
Wednesday - Chinese
Thursday - Friends of the School Pizza Fundraiser (Terms 2 & 3 only)
Friday - Sushi
It’s simple; all you need to do is register at lunchonline.co.nz and follow four easy steps to get started
1. Register an account
2. Add member/s, including your name and delivery location
3. Make a payment to have funds in your account before you order
4. Select your lunch and place an order

Newsletters are issued fortnightly; our latest editions can be found below:
It is our preference for you to purchase your stationery via mySchool online and have it delivered to your home; however, you may print the list and shop at a store of your choice if preferred.

Term 1
Thursday 30th January to Friday 11th April
Closed - Thursday 30th January - Teacher Only Day
Closed - Friday 31st January - Teacher Only Day
(Note: Whānau Meetings will take place on the 30th & 31st January)
1st Day of Tuition - Monday 3rd February
Closed - Thursday 6th February - Waitangi Day
Term 2
Monday 28th April to Friday 27th June
Closed - Monday 2nd June - King's Birthday
Closed - Friday 20th June - Matariki
Term 3
Monday 14th July to Friday 19th September
Term 4
Monday 6th October to Friday 12th December
Closed - Monday 27th October - Labour Day
School Uniform
School uniforms are compulsory; school hats must be worn in Terms 1 and 4.
We encourage children to wear comfortable neutral-coloured shoes/sneakers that they can put on and take off themselves, with plain white, navy or black socks only.
In the winter, children can wear a dark blue or black skivvy under their polo shirt and dark blue or black tights under their skort/shorts.
A sports uniform is only required for children participating in sports teams. Children wear their school uniform when their class is participating in physical education.
Our uniform can be purchased online from Argyle Schoolwear. Samples are held at the school office if you need to check sizes before purchasing.

House T-shirts
We have introduced an optional house t-shirt. These t-shirts can be worn during school events, such as school cross country, athletics, and house days.
These shirts are only available for purchase via the school. We will place orders for shirts once per term in the second week and will notify you when it is time to place an order.

Pre-loved Uniform
We have a selection of pre-loved uniform for purchase in the school office; if there is any item you are looking for, please contact admin@scottpoint.school.nz, who can check availability for you.
Uniform donations are greatly accepted if you have a uniform that your child has grown out of or you no longer require. The items will either be sold as pre-loved uniform to help Friends of the School fundraise or as items to use for children who may need a clean set of clothes.
We offer our learners opportunities to participate in various sports at school, interschool events, and sports teams competing in leagues.
Enquiries regarding sports can be sent to sports@scottpoint.school.nz
School Teams
All opportunities to participate in school sports teams are advertised on HERO as they become available.

If your child enjoys running and handball sports, they may enjoy hockey. Each player has a hockey stick which they use to get the ball to the other end of the field and into the other team’s goal.
Winter Season: Terms 2 & 3 Summer Season: Term 4
Games are played at North Harbour Hockey, Rosedale.
Year 1&2: 30 min games, 1/8 turf, 4-a-side, played on a Monday at 4pm or 4:30pm, boys, girls or mixed
Year 3&4: 30 min games, 1/4 turf, 6-a-side, played on a Monday between 4pm and 5:30pm, boys, girls or mixed
Year 5&6: 30 min games, 1/4 turf, 6-a-side, played on a Monday between 4pm and 7:30pm, boys, girls or mixed
Year 7&8: 60 min games, 1/2 turf, 7-a-side, goalkeepers required, played on Mondays or Tuesdays between 4pm and 7pm, boys, girls or mixed
Training is held at the school at a time set by the coach.
Teams are coached and managed by parents or other volunteers.
The cost varies per age group and will be communicated before the season starts.
Uniform: SPS sports shirt purchased through Argyle, dark black or blue sports shorts/skirt and long dark blue socks
Children need their own hockey stick, shin pads, and a mouth guard to play.
The object of the netball game is to shoot the ball through a netted hoop to score goals, each player has a position on the court, the player receiving the ball must stand still until they have passed the ball to another player.
Winter Season: Terms 2 & 3
Games are played at West Harbour School on a Saturday morning between 8am and 12:30pm.
Year 1&2, 30 min games, mixed gender teams
Year 3&4, 30 min games, mixed gender teams
Year 5&6, 30 min games, mixed gender teams
Year 7&8, 45 min games, mixed gender teams
Training is held at the school at a time set by the coach.
Teams are coached and managed by parents or other volunteers.
Fees for the winter season are approximately $45 per player.
Uniform: SPS netball dress hired from the school for the season.
Summer Season: Term 4
Games are played at Pinehurst School on a Saturday morning.
Touch Rugby
Touch rugby is derived from rugby league. It does not allow traditional tackles, and instead, the players touch their opponent on their body, clothing, or the ball. The game's object is to move the ball up the field and score a try.
Summer Seasons: Term 1 and Term 4
Games are played at Moire Park, Massey on a Wednesday between 4 & 6pm
Year 1-4 Teams are 5-a-side, boys and girls combined
Year 5-8 Teams are 6-a-side, boys and girls separate
Training is held at the school at a time set by the coach.
Teams are coached and managed by parents or other volunteers.
Fees for the season are approximately $50 per player.
Uniform: SPS sports shirt purchased through Argyle, dark black or blue sports shorts/skirt
Basketball is an excellent team sport that helps children develop their cooperative skills and improve their physical fitness. The rules of the game are adjusted according to the age groups to ensure that all children have an opportunity to learn and understand the game's rules and requirements at their skill level.
Seasons: Season 1 is Terms 1 and 2 and Season 2 is Terms 3 and 4.
Games are played at the Y in Massey
Under 7s, play on a Friday
Under 9s, play on a Wednesday
Under 11s, play on a Monday or Tuesday depending on the teams grade
Under 13s, play on a Thursday
Training is held at the school at a time set by the coach.
Teams are coached and managed by parents or other volunteers.
Fees: The fees for 2024 are under 7s and 9s $130 per season. Under 11 and 13 $140 per season.
Uniform: SPS basketball singlet hired through the school for the season