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Parent Information

At Scott Point School, we have a positive attitude toward learning and expect regular attendance.


Establishing regular attendance routines in children’s schooling is important. The evidence shows that attendance is a crucial driver of learners' achievement, well-being, and lifelong outcomes. Missing school can create challenges with routines and friendships, gaps in learning, and contribute to increasing disengagement from school.


Legislation states that every child enrolled at a registered New Zealand school must attend each day the school is open.

Whānau must make sure their children are at school every day and let the school know if their child will be absent.


When reporting your child's absence from school, please explain why; if you do not inform the school of an absence and we cannot contact you to ascertain a reason, the absence is recorded as truant.

Absences for sickness, appointments, lateness or early finish to the day

Should be reported by:​

  • HERO

  • Phone 09 553 6810 and leave a message on the absence line.

In cases of sickness

Please notify the school before 9.00 am each day your child is away from school unwell.

Knowing if your child is well enough to go to school — guidance for parents and caregivers

If your child is absent for three days or more due to illness, please provide a doctor’s certificate if requested.

Absences due to travel or holidays.

All absences due to travel or holidays should be advised to the school in advance by:

We understand there may be times when travel outside school holidays is necessary, but this should be a rare occurrence and should only be done in exceptional circumstances. We advise that, wherever possible, absence from school should be avoided as it can seriously affect your child’s educational progress and achievement and create difficulties for them on their return to school.


Legislation states that every child enrolled at a registered New Zealand school must attend each day the school is open. Your child's attendance records and reports to the Ministry of Education will show their absence due to holidays/travel, as explained but unjustified.

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